2014-06-02 Extreme Scaling Workshop (HXSW1S14)

Date:June 2-5, 2014 10:00 - 18:00
Location:LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich (Visualisation Centre V2C and E.0.017)

In June 2014 LRZ is going to organize a four day workshop on extreme code scaling. The goal of this workshop is to enable scaling of user implemented software on SuperMUC, the 3 PetaFLOP/s machine at LRZ.

LRZ Users can submit their own software as candidates for the workshop, and extreme scaling experts from IBM, Intel and LRZ will be working together with the users to run the software on up to 130,000 cores of SuperMUC. From the applicants the most promising software packages will be selected.

The main requirement to participate is: 

You provide a scaling plot for your code up to 32,000 Cores on SuperMUC!

Participants need an already existing LRZ account and should use their user account to generate the necessary scaling plots up to 32,000 cores. All participants will obtain 100,000 cpu-hours for preparing the scaling plots up to 32,000 cores. If you need this budget in advance, please contact Ferdinand.Jamitzky@lrz.de.

Additionally to this scaling plot, please send us the following information:

  • Contact Data: Name, Affiliation, e-mail, phone
  • Name of Software and short description including scientific motivation
  • Hybrid or MPI, Intel or IBM
  • References
  • Scaling plot of a performance measure showing that the code scales up to 32,000 cores  
  • Time needed for a single test run (< 0.5 h)
  • Memory usage per core (< 1.6 GB)
  • Hard disk data usage (< 1 TB)
  • Number of Files written to disk (< 1,000 per directory)
  • Other code requirements (libraries, I/O, compiler versions, etc)

Max. 6-8 projects will finally be selected for runs on the whole available system during the 4-day workshop. Physical attendence of the participants during the workshop is mandatory.  The selected candidates will also have the opportunity to present their applications and preliminary results during a special Workshop at the International Conference on Supercomputing ICS2014 in Munich at 10th-13th June 2014.

Deadline for proposal submission: April 1st, 2014

Important Dates:

  • Proposal submission deadline: April 1st, 2014
  • Scaling Plots for up to 32,000 cores: May 1, 2014
  • Workshop: June 2-5, 2014

Participants have to submit a proposal until April 1st, 2014

Teachers:LRZ staff, Application experts from IBM and Intel
Registration:Please register via the LRZ registration form (select course HXSW1S14)