2013-11-04 Introduction to OpenFOAM (HIOF1W13)

Date:November 4-7, 2013 9:00-18:00
Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1

This four-day course gives an introduction into the open source CFD toolbox OpenFOAM. It is intended for new users who want to learn the basic concepts of its usage and want to know how to modify existing applications or add new functionalities.

Among others the course covers the topics

  • Introduction to working with Linux
    Users who are already proficient in Linux may join the course at lunch time at the first day
  • OpenFOAM file structure and case setup
  • Setting up and running simulations
  • Evaluating and visualizing results
  • Selection of numerical methods
  • Creating and converting meshes
  • Computing in parallel and acceleration on GPUs
  • Implementation of new features
  • Advanced topics in OpenFOAM

Each day will be comprised of approximately 4 hours of lectures and 3 hours of hands-on sessions.


General knowledge of CFD (finite volume method, discretization schemes etc.) is recommended. Programming skills in C++ are beneficial, but not essential for partaking in this course.


Björn Fabritius (FluiDyna GmbH)


Academic users: a fee of 40 € including the course material, a bootable USB stick with pre-installed Linux and OpenFOAM as well as catering for lunch and coffee breaks; to be paid during the course.
Academic users register via the LRZ registration form (Please choose course HIOF1W13)

Users from industry and non-academic users must contact FluiDyna GmbH
(christoph.niedermeier@fluidyna.de) for registration and payment details.

Number of seats for academic users is limited to 16.