2012-08-07 Big Data Analysis (HBDA1S12)

Date:Aug 7, 2012 10:00-17:00
Location:LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich
Contents:Large data sets are often the results of HPC simulations on supercomputers. Automated access and analysis of these data sets presents a non-trivial task. The dynamic language R is known as a very powerful language for statistics, but it has also evolved into a tool for the analysis and visualisation of large data sets. In this course R will be used to perform and automate these tasks and visualise the results interactively and on the web. The course includes hands-on sessions.
PrerequisitesParticipants should have some basic knowledge in programming with R, as well as basic understanding of XML.
Teacher:Dr. Jamitzky (LRZ)
Registration:Via the LRZ registration form (Please choose course HBDA1S12)