117 - Gleichzeitige Bearbeitung von Office-Dokumenten im Browser

LRZ Sync+Share offers the possibility to edit Office documents online in a web browser tab.

Several people can edit the same file at the same time.

To enable this functionality LRZ Sync+Share uses the Weboffice Suite ONLYOFFICE.

If one person makes changes to the document, all other persons are informed.

Via a "REFRESH" icon everybody can update his own copy.

Currently LRZ Sync+Share supports the following file types: *.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx, *.odt, *.ods, *.odp, *.csv und *.rtf.


Please note that when working together on a document within a mixed operation, conflicts occur between the inline editor ONLYOFFICE and other desktop editors when saving. Please agree on the procedure with your colleagues when editing a document together.

Working with MS Word:

If you do not want to open a *.docx file in ONLYOFFICE, but with MS Word, for example, you have to download the corresponding file to the local PC using the "Download" function.

If an LRZ Sync+Share client is installed, you should edit the file directly with MS Word in the corresponding folder of the base folder.

  • Windows: C:\User\<name>\LRZ Sync+Share\<foldername>\<filename>
  • Linux: /home/<name>/LRZ Sync+Share/<foldername>/<filename>

Tracking changes:

Microsoft Word offers the functionality of change tracking (TAB: Review - Track Changes).

The change tracking functionality is also supported by ONLYOFFICE (Bottom right symbol "Sheet with pencil" with help text "Track changes").