MATLAB on HPC Systems

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What is MATLAB?

MATLAB (= Matrix Laboratory) is a software package – developed by MathWorks – that allows interactive and scripted numerical math. It is suitable for various fields of application in engineering and science. MATLAB allows parallel job processing using the Parallel Computing Toolbox and the MATLAB Parallel Server. Furthermore, it offers the possibility to create standalone applications via MATLAB Compiler Runtime, which can be deployed to other systems or be used in job farming frameworks.

Links and other contact options

  • MathWorks Support
  • MATLAB Central
  • address of MathWorks Germany:

    The MathWorks GmbH
    Adalperostr. 45
    D - 85737 Ismaning

    Tel.: 089 - 45235-6700
    Fax : 089 - 45235-6710