Intel Advisor: A tool to guide parallelization

Introductory Remarks

What does Intel(R) Advisor XE provide?

  • Analyze, design, tune and check your threading design before implementation
  • Explore and test threading options without disrupting normal development
  • Predict threading errors and performance scaling on systems with more cores

Advisor availability on LRZ's HPC platforms

VTune is provided on HPC systems which are based on Intel processors. On non-Intel processors only partial functionality may be available.

How to use Advisor

Before calling the tool either via the command line interface (command advixe-cl) or the GUI (command advixe-gui), please load the intel-parallel-studio module.

The GUI allows you to build analysis projects, specify an executable as well as various parameters for execution and analysis modes.  Please consult the documentation referenced below for a description of the many options this tool offers.


  • The documentation for Intel Advisor is available on the systems via the environment variable $ADVISOR_XE_DOC. This includes tutorial material.
  • Manual pages for the commands can be consulted when running with the GUI.
  • Intel Advisor XE for Linux