What is Gmsh
Gmsh is a tool for generating meshes (1D, 2D, 3D) for Finite Volume or Finite Element simulation packages (e.g. OpenFOAM's gmshToFoam
Terms of License and Conditions
Gmsh is Open Source software, published under the GPL (
Getting Started
On the LRZ clusters, use the Environment Modules to find and set the environment. (Output may differ depending on the system, and spack stack version loaded.)
> module av gmsh --------------- /lrz/sys/spack/release/24.4.0/modules/icelake ------------------ gmsh/4.13.1-gcc13-impi-openmp > module load gmsh > gmsh # Gui requires VNC or SSH-X-forwarding
Or, use gmsh as command-line tool, e.g. for a 3D mesh written to outputMesh.msh, using 4 OpenMP threads:
> gmsh -3 -o outputMesh.msh -nt 4 input.geo
Official documentation; Youtube contains a lot of tutorials