ScaLAPACK - scalable parallel LAPACK

What is ScaLAPACK?

This package provides a distributed memory interface to a subset of LAPACK routines, making use of the MPI (message passing interface) and the BLACS (basic parallel linear algebra subroutines).

Installed Versions and Platforms

A reasonably up-to-date release of ScaLAPACK is available on all HPC systems at LRZ. It is based on the Intel MKL; the following module stack is supported:

module load mkl
module load scalapack

and then link your program e.g., using the MPI wrapper for the Intel Fortran compiler

mpif90 -o myprog.exe prog.o foo.o ... $SCALAPACK_LIB $MKL_LIB $BLACS_LIB $MKL_LIB

The above performs (for the most part) static linking. For fully dynamic linking you can use

mpif90 -o myprog.exe prog.o foo.o ... $SCALAPACK_SHLIB $MKL_SHLIB

Documentation and Support

In case of problems with the installation of this package on the LRZ systems please contact the Service Desk.