The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of the equations of fluid dynamics.

Source code for both the libraries and tools is available from the CGNS Sourceforge page.

CGNS installations on LRZ HPC systems

CGNS 3.2 is available on SuperMUC and 3.3.1 in Linux Cluster in the serial and parallel versions. HDF5 and SZIP are loaded when CGNS is loaded by the environment modules.

For the serial version:

module load cgns

For the parallel version:

module load cgns/mpi


compile your code with

[icc|ifort] -c $CGNS_INC my_example.[c|cc|f90]

and then link it with

[icc|ifort] -o my_example.exe my_example.o  $CGNS_LIB
