2024-02-08 Introduction to ANSYS Fluent on LRZ HPC Systems (hcfd3w23)

Online CourseIntroduction to ANSYS Fluent on LRZ HPC Systems
Available places31
Date08.02.2024 – 21.03.2024
PriceEUR 0.00
Registration deadline01.02.2024 23:59

This course has been shifted from the old date 02.11. – 14.12.2023 to the new date 08.02. – 21.03.2024.


The focus of this course with its 13 lectures and about 6 practical exercises is targeted on students, PhD's and researchers with good knowledge in the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, numerical methods of fluid mechanics and potentially with some first experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The course will focus on the introduction to the ANSYS Fluid Dynamics software package ANSYS Fluent with its components Fluent and CFD-Post. Further, participants will be familiarized with the main steps of the typical CFD workflow, in particular with CFD preprocessing / CFD setup creation, serial and parallel solver execution and CFD postprocessing in ANSYS Fluent / CFD-Post. Correctness of boundary conditions and CFD setup specifications, solver convergence control, solver monitoring, customization capabilities of the solvers and the post­pro­cessing as well as recommended CFD best practices are covered.

The course further focusses on the usage of the ANSYS Fluent software in a typical Linux cluster environment for massively parallel computations. This includes a basic Linux primer, introduction to LRZ HPC systems and network environment, intro to the use of the SLURM scheduler, CFD remote visualization and aspects of successful CFD simulation strategies in such an HPC environment. Finally some aspects of advanced workflow automation using Python as scripting language in combination with the Fluent TUI scripting language and the only recently introduced Fluent Expression language of ANSYS Fluent are targeted as well.

All software components introduced in the ANSYS CFD Short Course are available at LRZ via the ANSYS Multiphysics Campus license (for the course participants during the course, and for members of TUM, LMU, HM in general and beyond the course).

Course participants are required to install ANSYS Release 2023.R2 on their own computers, accessing the ANSYS Academic Teaching licenses provided by LRZ in the MWN network. Therefore participants of the course are being provided with an own VPN-enabled user account on the LRZ Linux Cluster CoolMUC-2/3 (CM2/CM3) for the time of the online course. Practical exercises using the ANSYS Fluent / CFD-Post software tools are then partially carried out on particpants own computers by using local ANSYS 2023.R2 installations and partially by carrying out HPC simulations on the CoolMUC-2/3 clusters using ANSYS licenses being provided by LRZ. Alternatively the ANSYS Free Students Edition 2023.R2 can be used by participants for preparational steps on their own computers at home as well (not requiring VPN access to LRZ license servers).
The ANSYS software is available for Win-10 and Linux operating systems (Open-SuSE, Cent-OS, no Debian based Linux systems).

The course combines lectures and hands-on sessions. Registered participants will be timely informed about the video conference information.

What participants will not learn in this course?

  • Advanced aspects of Linux and computer network infrastructure
  • Geometry creation (CAD, SpaceClaim, DM) and meshing (Fluent Meshing, ANSYS Meshing, ICEM/CFD)
  • Advanced topics of CFD simulation, like e.g. acoustics, Eulerian and Lagrangian multiphase flows, combustion, radiation, FSI, etc.
  • Advanced topics of CFD solver customization with User-defined Functions (UDF's) written in C programming language


This course is addressed to young scientists, PHD students and under-graduate students (Master level) with so far limited to no experience with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), but with the aim to use in future the High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources of the LRZ for their fluid mechanics oriented research. Basic knowledge of Linux and LRZ computer environment is a plus.


The CFD and HPC exercises will be done partially on participants own PC’s (Win-7/-10 Professional or Open-SUSE/Cent-OS required, no Debian-based Linux OS supported) and on the Linux Clusters (CM2, CoolMUC-3) at LRZ. Files of the practical exercise sessions are made available to participants.




Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Frank (LRZ)

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes, input material for the practical excercises and corresponding exercise solutions are provided throughout the course.

In case of any arising question regarding the provided material, the tutorials or the course schedule, please contact the LRZ Service Desk, where the subject of your service request should start with the tag of the online course "#HCFD3w23: ..." and an as good as possible short description of your question/issue

  • Slides and the material for practical exercises
    The online course material will be provided to all course participants in a subfolder of the LRZ Linux Cluster file system (/lrz/sys/courses/HCFD3w23)
  • Exercise input material and solutions
    Same for the ANSYS Fluent input material and exercise solutions of the 5 practical tutorials.

Copyright and Licensing

The copyright for this work is owned by Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ).

The recording of any of the lectures on the participant side is explicitely not permitted. The course material has not to be shared with non-course-participants without previous permission in writing by the lecturer.

Prices and Eligibility

The course is open and free of charge for people from academia from the Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU) and Associated Countries to the Horizon 2020 programme.


Please register with your official e-mail address to prove your affiliation. Following your successful registration, you will receive further information approx. 1-2 weeks before the course.

Withdrawal Policy

See Withdrawal

Legal Notices

For registration for LRZ courses and workshops we use the service edoobox from Etzensperger Informatik AG (www.edoobox.com). Etzensperger Informatik AG acts as processor and we have concluded a Data Processing Agreement with them.

See Legal Notices

108.02.202410:00 – 12:00Thomas FrankONLINE
208.02.202414:00 – 16:00Thomas FrankONLINE
315.02.202410:00 – 12:00Thomas FrankONLINE
415.02.202414:00 – 16:00Thomas FrankONLINE
522.02.202410:00 – 12:00Thomas FrankONLINE
622.02.202414:00 – 16:00Thomas FrankONLINE
729.02.202410:00 – 12:00Thomas FrankONLINE
829.02.202414:00 – 16:00Thomas FrankONLINE
907.03.202410:00 – 12:00Thomas FrankONLINE
1007.03.202414:00 – 16:00Thomas FrankONLINE
1114.03.202410:00 – 12:00Thomas FrankONLINE
1214.03.202414:00 – 16:00Thomas FrankONLINE
1321.03.202410:00 – 12:00Thomas FrankONLINE