2020-04-17 CANCELLED: Using R at LRZ (HURL1S20)

Date:Friday, April 17th, 2020, 9:00-12:30
Location:LRZ Building, Garching/Munich, Boltzmannstr. 1, LRZ Hörsaal

R is a highly popular and powerful programming language for data analysis and graphics, used in many research domains. The Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) is addressing the needs of R users by facilitating various ways of working with R on LRZ systems.

For one it is hosting a RStudio Server web service that provides an easy to use and powerful platform mostly targeted at interactive analyses. This service can, however, also be used as a gateway to the high performance computing (HPC) systems at LRZ. Additionally, R can be employed directly on the massively parallel Linux Cluster and SuperMUC-NG as well as on specialized and GPU-enhanced machine learning (ML) systems.

In this course, the different possibilities of using R  at LRZ for data analytics and machine learning projects will be demonstrated and excercised in hands-on session. Guidelines and best practice examples for running R applications efficiently on the various systems will be provided. Special attention will be paid to different ways of parallelizing R code in order to utilize LRZ's HPC infrastructure.

Schedule (tentative):

  • Short introduction to the LRZ (B)
  • Working with selected features of RStudio Server (R notebooks, built-in terminal, database connections, session management) (B) / (I)
  • R on the LRZ Linux Cluster: R environment modules, R package management (B) / (I)

15 min break

  • R on the LRZ Linux Cluster: Slurm Workload Manager, interactive session, job processing (B) / (I)
  • Parallelization scenarios and R resources (I)
  • Perfectly parallel workloads and multiple R scripts (B) / (I)

15 min break

  • Introduction to worker queue scenario/loose coupling (batchtools, rredis/doRedis) (I) / (A)
  • Shared memory parallelization (parallel/doParallel, foreach) (I) / (A)
  • Message passing (rmpi/doMPI) (I) / (A)
  • Futures/Promises (parallel, future, doFuture) (A)
  • Workflow management (drake) (A) / (C)


Content Level:











Basic knowledge of R.

Certificates of attendance for

All participants are expected to bring their own laptops.

Trainers:J. Albert-von der Gönna (LRZ)
Registration:Via the LRZ registration form. Please choose course HURL1S20.
Material:available soon