2016-11-28 Elmer FEM Course (HELM1W16)

Date:Monday, November 28 - Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 09:00 - 16:30
Location:Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching, Kursraum 2, H.U.010
how to arrive see https://www.lrz.de/wir/kontakt/weg_en/

The Elmer FEM course is intended for persons with none or some prior knowledge of Elmer but some background on the solution of partial differential equations. The course will cover the use of Elmer through its graphical user interface, ElmerGUI. Also command-line operation of Elmer will be explained. The course will also include the basics of parallel computing and writing user subroutines with Elmer. After the course the participants should be able to solve basic modeling problems themselves, modify them manually, and have basic knowledge on the general features of Elmer software.

We looking forward to the course and if you have a special area of interest to be covered within the course please send a short e-mail to Thomas Zwinger (zwinger@csc.fi, (in German or English)) in good time before the course.

Additional information:


There will be Windows PCs in the lecture room but users can also bring their own laptop, provided Elmer is installed. Hints on how to install Elmer can be found under https://www.csc.fi/web/elmer/sources-and-compilation. Alternatively, the user can run her/his ready made virtual appliance (Linux Mint 18) with a ready Elmer installation under Oracle VirtualBox. The appliance is downloadable from http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/physics/elmer/bin/VirtualMachines/.

In case of questions concerning the installation you can contact Thomas Zwinger via zwinger@csc.fi in advance to the course.

Agenda:A detailed agenda can be found here.
Teachers:Peter Råback  and Thomas Zwinger
Registration:Via the LRZ registration form. Please choose HELM1W16.
Course Fee:Students, members of universities and public research institutes: free
Participants from industry: 300 EUR per day
Course Material:Detailed material will follow.